  • 日期:2022-05-09
◎亞洲開發銀行(Asian Development Bank, ADB)
「亞洲開發銀行」成立於1966年,總部設於菲律賓馬尼拉,是亞洲最主要的經濟發展機構,現有69個會員,我國是創始會員國之一,亦為「亞洲開發基金」(Asian Development Fund, ADF)之捐助國。理事會(Board of Governors)為亞銀最高權力機構,我國理事由財政部部長擔任,副理事則由中央銀行副總裁擔任。

◎中美洲銀行(Central American Bank for Economic Integration, CABEI)

「中美洲銀行」成立於1960年,總部設於宏都拉斯首都德古西加巴市,旨在推動中美洲地區經濟整合與社會發展。現有15個會員國,我國於1992年成為區域外會員國。理事會(Board of Governors)為中美洲銀行最高權力機構,我國理事由財政部部長擔任,副理事則由中央銀行副總裁擔任。2021年中美洲銀行在我國設立其亞洲的第一個分支機構「中美洲銀行駐台國家辦事處」,該辦事處也是政府間國際組織來台設立分支機構的首例。

◎歐洲復興開發銀行(European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, EBRD)

◎美洲開發銀行(Inter-American Development Bank, IDB)

「美洲開發銀行」成立於1959年,總部設於美國華府,現有48個會員。我自1991年起即獲邀以觀察員身分出席年會。另財團法人國際合作發展基金會」(TaiwanICDF)與「美洲開發銀行」所屬「多邊投資基金(Multilateral Investment Fund, 現已更名為IDB Lab)成立「金融機構發展基金」,推動區域內之微額貸款計畫。

◎Asian Development Bank
The Asian Development Bank, established in 1966 in Manila, is one of the most important international development financial institutions in Asia. The ADB currently consists of 69 members. The Board of Governors oversees the ADB, and Taiwan’s ADB Governor is the Minister of Finance, while its Alternate Governor is the Deputy Governor of the Central Bank. Taiwan is also a founding member of the ADB and a major donor to the Asian Development Fund.

◎Central American Bank for Economic Integration

The Central American Bank for Economic Integration was established in 1960 and is headquartered in Tegucigalpa, Honduras. It is focused on promoting integration and economic and social development in the region. CABEI currently consists of 15 members; Taiwan joined in 1992 as a non-regional member. The Board of Governors oversees the CABEI. Taiwan’s Governor is the Minister of Finance, while its Alternate Governor is the Deputy Governor of the Central Bank. In 2021, CABEI opened a Country Office in Taiwan, the first of its kind in Asia. CABEI is also the first intergovernmental organization to set up a branch office in Taiwan.

◎European Bank for Reconstruction and Development
Established in 1991, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development is headquartered in London; it currently has 75 members including 38 countries of operations. It aims to foster the transition of the former communist countries in central and eastern Europe, central and west Asia, and North Africa towards open, market economies and democratic societies. Taiwan attends the EBRD Annual Meeting as a Special Observer, and in 1991, established the Technical Cooperation Fund to assist cooperative programs that help recipient nations to transform.

◎Inter-American Development Bank
Established in 1959, the Inter-American Development Bank is headquartered in Washington, D.C., and currently has 48 members. Taiwan has been invited as an observer to its annual meeting since 1991. Its International Cooperation and Development Fund (TaiwanICDF) provides financial assistance through the IDB Multilateral Investment Fund, now renamed IDB Lab, to a fund that invests in financial organizations with an aim to promote micro-financing in the region.