  • 日期:2022-08-25
◎「國際刑警組織」(International Criminal Police Organization, INTERPOL)

◎「亞太防制洗錢組織」(Asia/Pacific Group on Money Laundering, APG)
「亞太防制洗錢組織」成立於1997年,秘書處設在澳大利亞雪梨,旨在有效執行打擊洗錢犯罪及資助恐怖份子之國際標準。我國為創始會員,並於2010年加入APG「捐贈與技術協助工作組」(Donors and Providers Group, DAP)。

◎「艾格蒙聯盟」(Egmont Group, EG)

◎「亞太區追討犯罪所得機構網絡」(Asset Recovery Interagency Network—Asia Pacific, ARIN-AP)
International Criminal Police Organization
Established in 1923, the International Criminal Police Organization (INTERPOL) is headquartered in Lyon, France, and has 196 members. Taiwan, though not a member of INTERPOL, is ready and willing to participate in the work of INTERPOL, so as to make concrete and substantive contributions to the global fight against cross-border crimes. Only by including Taiwan in its meetings, activities, and mechanisms can INTERPOL ensure the integrity of the global security network. Taiwan could synchronize its efforts in the aforementioned areas with other member states’ police agencies and jointly combat cross-border crimes.

Asia/Pacific Group on Money Laundering
Asia/Pacific Group on Money Laundering (APG) was founded in 1997 and the Secretariat is located in Sydney, Australia. APG members and observers are committed to the effective implementation and enforcement of internationally accepted standards against money laundering and the financing of terrorism. Taiwan is a founding member, and joined the Donors and Providers Group (DAP) in 2010.

Egmont Group
Egmont Group (EG) was founded in 1995 and the Secretariat is located in Ottawa, Canada. EG acts as a forum wherein members can bolster cooperation in the fight against money laundering and the financing of terrorism through information exchange. Taiwan became a member in 1998.

Asset Recovery Interagency Network—Asia Pacific
Asset Recovery Interagency Network—Asia Pacific (ARIN-AP) was founded in 2013 and the Secretariat is located in Seoul, Republic of Korea. The aim of ARIN-AP is to have members exchange information and increase judicial efficacy while depriving criminals of their illicit gains. Taiwan became a founding member in 2014.