

  • 資料來源:公眾外交協調會


巴拉圭、索羅門群島、聖多美普林西比、吐瓦魯、尼加拉瓜、查德及格瑞那達政府已於本(九十一)年四月下旬及五月初分別致函世界衛生組織(World Health Organization,WHO)幹事長布琅蘭(Gro Harlem Brundtland),要求將「邀請台灣以觀察員身分參加世界衛生大會」的議題列入第五十五屆世界衛生大會(World Health Assembly,WHA)議程的補充項目。中華民國政府對友邦的支持表示深摯之謝忱。
該提案所附之決議草案中表示,WHO之宗旨在促進全人類享受最高且能達致之健康標準,為確保WHO之普遍性得以實踐,有必要邀請所有相關實體納入該組織工作。有鑑於台灣已於二○○二年一月成為世界貿易組 織之會員,並積極參與其他國際組織,而WHO既接納若干非聯合國會員為會員(按:瑞士、庫克群島及紐埃),並賦予教廷、巴勒斯坦、馬爾他騎士團(Order of Malta)以觀察員身分參與該組織,爰要求邀請台灣以觀察員身分參與WHA會議與工作及WHO其他會議。
此外,尼加拉瓜、查德及格瑞那達三國另在其提案函中表示,該國曾於去(九十)年十一月提案將邀請我以觀察員身分參與世界衛生大會之提案列入本年五月大會討論,並盼WHO執行委員會(Executive Board,簡稱執委會)能將該提案列入WHA之臨時議程。依據大會議事規則第五條,WHO執委會應將會員國之提案列入大會臨時議程,然而執委會在本年元月無視於合法程序,決定不將前述提案列入大會臨時議程,係剝奪會員國合法之提案權利,並創下不良之先例。爰再度提案要求將我案列入本屆大會議程討論。
WHO做為一功能性之國際組織,其憲章明白宣示:「享受最高且能達致之健康標準,為個人基本權利之一。不因種族、宗教、政治信仰、經濟或社會條件而有差別。」 我推動參與WHO,是基於台灣全體人民應該享有追求最高健康福祉之基本權利,而無涉於主權爭議。外交部在此籲請WHO會員國超越政治之藩籬,採取適當行 動,共同促成世界衛生大會同意我以觀察員身分參與WHO。(E)

The World Health Assembly,

Reaffirming that the health of all peoples is fundamental to the attainment of peace and security and is dependent upon the fullest cooperation of individuals and states,

Reaffirming further the special role of the World Health Organization in the field of health, and in particular its objective to promote the attainment by all peoples of the highest possible level of health, as well as the commitment of its Members to cooperate among themselves and with others to promote and protect the health of all peoples,

Recognizing that Taiwan has made substantial achievements in the field of health, and that in recent years it has extended humanitarian and medical assistance to many other parts of the world,

Recognizing further the commitment made by the government and people of Taiwan to work within the system of the World Health Organization for the benefit of humanity,

Conscious of the serious challenges to global health today, and also aware of the important role of the World Health Organization in promoting and coordinating global efforts in the fulfillment of its objectives as stated in its Constitution,

Conscious further of the necessity to invite all entities which have responsibilities related to those of the World Health Organization to ensure universality in its work,
Taking note that Taiwan joined the World Trade Organization (WTO) as a full member in January 2002, and is an active member of many other international organizations,

Considering that the World Health Organization has admitted three non-Member States of the United Nations as full members, and furthermore that it has granted observer status to the Holy See, Palestine, and the Sovereign Military Order of Malta,

Acknowledging that Taiwan’s democratically elected government is the highest and sole legitimate authority regarding all public health matters in Taiwan and that Taiwan and its resources should be involved in the efforts of the World Health Organization,

Decides to invite Taiwan to participate in the sessions and work of the World Health Assembly and other meetings of the World Health Organization in the capacity of observer; and

Requests that the Director-General take necessary actions to implement the present resolution.